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Synthetic Biology Journal Rankings

SynBio journal rankings for biomaterials, biomedical engineering, bioengineering, medical biochemistry, biochemistry, and applied biotechnology.
Synthetic Biology Journal Rankings hero image

According to Scimago, for 2018—the most recent year for which data are available—here are a list of the top-ranking Synthetic Biology journals in various disciplines, followed by their H index.

Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology Journals

View the top Microbiology and Biotechnology Journals according to Scimago.

  1. Nature Biotechnology (399)
  2. Applied and Environmental Microbiology (293)
  3. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology (198)
  4. Biotechnology and Bioengineering (171)
  5. Biotechnology Advances (161)

Biochemistry Journals

View the top Biochemistry (Medical) journals according to Scimago.

  1. Journal of the American Chemical Society (542)
  2. Journal of Biological Chemistry (477)
  3. Blood (426)
  4. Bioinformatics (335)
  5. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism (328)

Biochemistry (Medical) Journals

View the top Biochemistry (Medical) journals according to Scimago.

  1. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism (328)
  2. Clinical Chemistry (201)
  3. Clinica Chimica Acta (127)
  4. Apoptosis (102)
  5. Clinical Chemistry and laboratory Medicine (91)

Bioengineering Journals

View the top Bioengineering Journals according to Scimago.

  1. Nano Letters (430)
  2. Nature Biotechnology (399)
  3. Biomaterials (337)
  4. Nature Nanotechnology (286)
  5. Biosource Technology (251

Biomaterials Journals

View the top Biomaterials Journals according to Scimago.

  1. Biomaterials (337)
  2. Advanced Functional Materials (269)
  3. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science (209)
  4. Small (195)
  5. Biomacromolecules (193)

Biomedical Engineering Journals

View the top Biomedical Engineering journals according to Scimago.

  1. Nature Biotechnology (399)
  2. Nature Nanotechnology (286)
  3. Current Opinion in Biotechnology (181)
  4. Lab on a Chip (181)
  5. Journal of Biomechanics (177)
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