Comprehensive, reliable answers for heme malignancies with customized Archer™ NGS assays

Date: Dayofweek, Month DD, YYYY
Time: HH AM – HH AM TimeZone

How can specific NGS assay content, chemistry, and analysis make a difference for heme malignancy answers? Hear from experts at Duke on their experience implementing Archer FUSIONPlex™ and VARIANTPlex™ custom NGS assays for profiling heme malignancies. Learn why they chose these panels, how they were implemented in the lab, and their experience with the chemistry, workflows, and analysis software. Case studies demonstrating the difference these assays make for heme malignancy answers will be presented.


Barbara Anderson, PhD, MB (ASCP)CM

Analytical Specialist

Division of Molecular Pathology, Genetics and Genomics
Duke University Health System

Ludmila Francescatto, PhD

Laboratory Genetics & Genomics Fellow

Division of Molecular Pathology, Genetics and Genomics
Duke University Health System

Casey Geaney, MBA

Director of Product Management, NGS Software

Integrated DNA Technologies