
Primers for the Quantabio miRNA System

You can now source more than 1,500 predefined assays (primers) for the Quantabio miRNA System through IDT, as well as new primers designed from Quantabio’s technical documentation. Quantabio has published the primer sequences and supporting documentation, allowing you to independently design and order oligos. Previously ordered sequences are available through the Quantabio website at no charge. If you have questions regarding primer sequences or design, contact Quantabio at customer.service@quantabio.com.

How to order

After you have obtained the sequences from Quantabio, please use our general ordering page to submit your request: Oligo Entry tool.

To align with previous orders, please note that you must order your primers at the 25 nmol scale with standard desalting and Lab Ready normalization (100 µM in IDTE, pH 8.0) as shown in the example (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Parameters required for ordering primers for Quantabio miRNA System.