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xGen™ for sequencing platforms

Adapters, Indexing Primers, Blockers, and Library Amplification Primers specifically designed for the sequencing platform in your lab.

xGen™ NGS—made platform-agnostic


As the race to accelerate the pace of genomic discovery continues to quicken, the landscape around NGS sequencing technology has begun to evolve, giving rise to new sequencing providers that are helping to address many customer pain-points, such as cost, throughput, and quality.

With the number of sequencing platforms on the rise, an expanding number of sequencing providers require a collaborator capable of producing innovative, high-quality oligo components, backed by trusted scientific support teams, and with the manufacturing experience to facilitate various production scales.

Carrying on a 35-year commitment to help break down barriers to research, IDT is collaborating with sequencing providers to create made-to-stock xGen™ NGS adapters, indexing and library amplification primers, and blocking oligos tailored specifically for use on each of these platforms.

xGen NGS—made platform-agnostic.


Discover how IDT is supporting emerging sequencing providers.

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